Tree Top BuildersThe Best Tree Houses in the World - Part 1

The Best Tree Houses in the World - Part 1

As the owner of a professional, US based tree house building company; I’ve seen and built hundreds of tree houses. So looking outside of the continental United States, I created a list of some of the best tree houses in the world.


A Tour of the Best Tree Houses in the World

Some of the most remarkable tree houses I have seen combine unique design, solid construction and creative artistry. It’s not always the biggest or most grandiose that qualifies a tree house as one of the best, it’s also the ability of the tree house builder to seamlessly incorporate the tree and the environment. To make it look like the tree house actually belongs in its host tree.

Blue Forest Sustainable Tree Houses

 Garden Hideaway by Blue Forest

Based in East Sussex England, the team at Blue Forest created this amazing tree house in, where else, Sherwood Forest.Titled the “Center Parcs Tree Houses” this collection of three tree houses is truly an amazing work of craftsmanship, architecture beauty and design.

Treehouse Company

Also based in England and relatively new on the scene, The Treehouse Company is located near Northamptonshire and builds some of the finest tree houses we’ve seen.While not a grandiose in scale as some of the other “Best Tree Houses”, the Treehouse Company offers clean lines, solid construction, regard for the environment and enjoyable, practical tree houses.



One of my favorites! Based in Sweeden, Treehotel boasts some of the best tree house designs we’ve ever come across. Treehotel is a collection of 7 of the most amazing and unique tree house designs.Ever more exciting, the Treehotel really is a hotel and any of these amazing tree houses can be reserved for a night’s stay.

Look at this amazing tree house titled the Mirror Cube. The walls of the tree house are covered with a mirror like film, camouflaging the tree house among the surrounding trees.


Tree House Hotel Costa Rica

Another tree house hotel, this one is based in Costa Rica. Consisting of 5 private tree houses, the Tree House Hotel has an amazing collection of arboreal architecture in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle. Not only do you stay in one of the world’s best tree houses, you gaze out over jungle views that are truly remarkable. Visit their website to see pictures of the wildlife seen from the tree houses.

Nashan Treehouse Resort

The Sanya Nanshan Treehouse Resort and Beach Club is based in China. Yet another tree house hotel, the Big Beach in the Sky Treehouse is an impressive display of architecture and design. I imagine the view over the South China Sea is spectacular. This tree house also has a suspension bridge leading down to the dunes. Certainly a worthy accessory for one of the best tree houses in the world.

Five of the Best Tree Houses I’ve Seen

I hope you enjoyed this display of tree house architecture. At Tree Top Builders, we’re happy to see that the art, science and craftsmanship of tree house construction are alive and well throughout the world. We’ll keep adding to our best tree houses of the world list so stay posted!

Can't get enough? Here are some other websites and resources showing their picks for the best tree houses in the world.

WebUrbanist's Best Tree Houses

The Daily Green's Top Tree House Choices

MatadorNetwork's Coolest Tree Houses